[NCCN 2015]复发性骨髓瘤最佳治疗——Kenneth C. Anderson博士访谈

作者:  K.C.Anderson   日期:2015/3/15 16:56:22  浏览量:65501


专家简介:Kenneth C. Anderson博士,是NCCN多发性骨髓瘤指南专家组主席,来自美国丹娜法伯/布列根和妇女医院癌症中心。2015年NCCN会议上,Anderson博士做主题报告“多发性骨髓瘤治疗进展和发展方向”(Multiple Myeloma: Current Treatment Approaches and Future Directions)

  Oncology FrontierWhat is the role of targeted therapy in providing durable responses against drug resistance from mutations in myeloma?




  Dr Anderson: Targeted therapies in myeloma that are specifically targeting mutations are not very common. In some diseases, melanoma for example, the BRAF mutation is very common and specific inhibitors such as vemurafenib can be used in malignant melanoma very commonly and can be very effective. In multiple myeloma, we haven’t really a dominant mutation. The BRAF mutation I mentioned occurs in 4-8% of patients with myeloma. There is some early data now that inhibitors such as vemurafenib can work in that subset of patients. Ongoing work will define further and further new targets and subsets of patients. Perhaps the most exciting development in myeloma though is in the immune treatments. Monoclonal antibodies, immunomodulatory drugs and even some of the newer modalities, vaccines and checkpoint inhibitor therapies, PD-1 or PD-L1, in very early experiences are very active. I mention these because the immune treatments seem to be active even across many subsets of patients with myeloma. So on the one hand, we have efforts being made to divide the disease and treat it with targeted therapies; and on the other, we have this very exciting immune treatment development that I think will be able to treat broad populations of patients with this disease.




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